Half Past Fate is a narrative adventure game with a charismatic 3D pixel art style. Follow the journey of 6 ordinary people who found each other in extraordinary ways. From eight hours to eight years, this time-jumping saga will change the way you feel about fate forever. Check out the trailer for it and our interview last summer at The MIX during. Info below:
Launch Date: March 12, 2020.
Platforms: Steam, Nintendo Switch
  • An inspiring and heartwarming slice-of-life story set in present day.
  • Jump through time, witness how 6 people come together over a span of 8 years.
  • Eat spicy ramen.
  • Immerse in our familiar world through charming 3D pixel art visuals.
  • Learn what’s different between black tea and green tea.
  • Change a flat tire.
  • Relish in relatable stories about life, love, and the fate that brings us together.
Additional Information:
Developer: Serenity Forge
Publisher: Way Down Deep